The 5 Moments of Need®: Enable & Sustain Efficient, Effective Job Performance
Utilizing the 5 Moments of Need in workflow learning accelerates new hires’ time to productive performance, mitigates the risk of critical skill failure, boosts workforce engagement and confidence, facilitates agile adaptation to evolving demands, and enables real-time collection of performance and process improvement data.

Improve workforce efficiency, effectiveness, and performance.
Empower workers to learn in the workflow without stopping work or disrupting others.
Adapt workforce performance at the speed of change.
Reduce time to competency by addressing all moments of learning need.
Understand the full impact of your learning environment and how to maximize your investment.
5 Moments of Need®
A Powerful Framework that Elevates Job Performance.
Workflow learning, when powered by the 5 Moments of Need® framework, is a dynamic approach to enabling and sustaining effective job skills in an ever-changing workplace.
At its core, workflow learning recognizes that individuals acquire job skills most effectively when they learn in the context of doing their work. By embedding learning support within the natural flow of work, employees are empowered to continuously develop their capabilities and enhance their job performance.

In the Apply moment, learning happens seamlessly while you are engaged in your work tasks, allowing you to immediately put your knowledge into practice.
The Change moment occurs when you are adapting to a new environment or undergoing a significant organizational change, necessitating learning to navigate the transition successfully.
The Solve moment arises when you encounter a problem or challenge that requires learning to find a solution.
This New moment occurs when you encounter something for the first time and need to acquire new knowledge or skills.
The More moment arises when you want to deepen your existing knowledge and expand your skill set further.
The EnABLE Methodology
Engage, Analyze, Build, Leverage, and Evaluate
At its heart, our EnABLE methodology harmonizes these five pivotal phases. EnABLE provides organizations with a structured and assured method to rapidly produce learning and job performance solutions that meet all 5 Moments of Need. EnABLE is the most comprehensive and impactful instructional design methodology for enabling and sustaining effective job performance in the flow of work.
The 5 Moments of Need methodology, EnABLE, is an agile instructional design and development methodology that:
Engage to Align
Engage to Align encourages early collaboration to align learning objectives with business priorities and define key metrics for evaluating the impact of a successful solution.
Analyze to Design
Analyze to Design provides the structure and tools to identify processes, tasks, steps, and resources needed to provide relevant information while the worker is in the flow of work. We also create a Digital Coach blueprint that allows for quick and easy access to information.
Build to Implement
Build to Implement equips you with the tools to build and launch a comprehensive learning solution based on the blueprint developed during the Analyze to Design phase. During the building process, we ensure that traditional ILT and vILT are integrated with the Digital Coach to boost the efficiency of both learning environments.
Leverage to Sustain
Leverage to Sustain is critical to the long-term success of any learning solution. By providing maintenance and governance, we ensure that content is up to date and well-curated.
Explore our services, based on this methodology, to learn how you can drive sustainable transformation and achieve your goals of putting performance first.
EnABLE is the Path to Measurable Business Results
Our sister company, APPLY Synergies, specializes in providing expert consulting and comprehensive academy services, tailor-made for seamlessly integrating the EnABLE methodology within your organization. To further explore these opportunities, hop over to the APPLY Synergies website.
Effectiveness and Efficiency
By designing learning experiences that align with these moments of need, job performance becomes more effective and efficient. Performers accomplish tasks more swiftly and with minimal disruption and frustration. Organizations that effectively address these moments optimize learning outcomes and drive tangible results within the flow of work.
Transform your workplace learning approach and drive success by addressing all moments of need effectively.
Discover how you can leverage the 5 Moments of Need® framework to unlock the full potential of learning in your organization.
What Our Clients and Supporters Say
About the 5 Moments of Need
“The 5 Moments of Need® and the methodology used to bring it to life has made a significant impact on our organization. It has allowed us to ‘cut through the clutter’ in performance support for large, complex systems. The focus on the end user experience is powerful.”
Global Pharmaceutical Client and 5 Moments of Need Supporter
“The 5 Moments of Need® has become our Rosetta Stone, helping us decipher our complex content ecosystem and organizational structures. It has quickly gone from being a curiosity to a flexible and inclusive operating model. It focuses our efforts, reduces duplication, and accelerates time to market. What’s not to like?”
Content Strategist and 5 Moments of Need Supporter
“It is long past time for L&D – and is the right time for LXD (Learning Experience Design) – to pivot away from a topic orientation to a performance orientation. It’s time to help learners prepare to perform tasks and produce outputs that meet stakeholder requirements back on the job. If not, why bother making the investment of shareholder equity in the first place? Help for learners might take the form of performance support if the performance context allows for a referenced performance response and does not demand a memorized performance response.”
Performance Analyst, Instructional Architect, and 5 Moments of Need Supporter
“The approach of engaging learners in the workflow has proven to raise the value of my learning organization tenfold. While it can be chaotic for some to embrace, it is important to create a world of autonomy for individuals to meet their moments of need while on the job. Learners who leverage workflow performance support are really creating the optimal “just right” experience, which increases their speed to proficiency faster than those who do not.”
Vice President of Learning and 5 Moments of Need Supporter
“Shifting to the performance-first approach had an immediate positive result: folks spent less time in training and could “do something” back on the job that was noticeable and recognized. And, more dramatically, the on-the-job behavior changes had a real impact on the business! Fewer errors, higher end-of-line quality, reduced employee turnover, fewer complaint calls, increased efficiency… the list went on and on. These were tangible, measurable business results with a direct connection to the bottom line. The shift to performance-first produced results that were significant and powerful. How do I know that? Well, because managers still call, but now they’re asking for more.”
Learning Design Specialist and 5 Moments of Need Supporter
“The 5 Moments of Need framework is a powerful tool that we can use to take advantage of how the brain and memory work. By anchoring learning to a moment of need, we can help a worker quickly learn what they need to perform. And we maximize the chances of retention through relevance and repetition.”
Chief Learning Officer and 5 Moments of Need Supporter
Some of Our Valued Partners

Ready to Learn More or Get Started?
Get in touch with us! Or, visit the APPLY Synergies site where you can enroll in a Certificate program, bring a workshop to your team, or engage our team on a project!