Erasmus MC: Transforming Workplace Learning During COVID-19

Faced with the urgent challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, the largest hospital in The Netherlands, rapidly launched the Ask Erasmus MC workplace learning solution within just ten working days. Developed in collaboration with Xprtise, and based on the AskDelphi Digital Coach technology, this workflow learning solution provided healthcare professionals at Erasmus MC and across the Netherlands with up-to-date training and information about the virus.

Supporting Learning in the Flow of Work

By applying the 5 Moments of Need® methodology in combination with the AskDelphi Digital Coach technology, Ask Erasmus MC shifted the focus from traditional formal training to practical, on-the-job learning. Healthcare workers could access the information they needed in just two clicks or ten seconds, enhancing their ability to perform critical tasks effectively.

Mari Tere Zaragoza, Staff Advisor at the Erasmus MC Academy, highlighted the platform’s value:

The great thing about Ask Erasmus MC is that all necessary information is consolidated and easy to find. Employees even contribute by sharing clinical lessons, checklists, and work instructions they’ve developed.

Adapting to Evolving Knowledge

As insights into COVID-19 evolved, the platform was continuously updated to reflect changes in guidelines, such as infection prevention protocols and ethical considerations. A structured approach ensured content remained relevant, concise, and accurate, avoiding information overload while supporting healthcare professionals in real time.

Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

The launch of Ask Erasmus MC fostered collaboration beyond the organization. Other hospitals shared their knowledge and content, creating a dynamic exchange of expertise across institutions. This approach also helped apply the methodology to non-COVID-19 learning topics, such as medical calculations and work guidance.

Positive Outcomes

The results of Ask Erasmus MC have been overwhelmingly positive:

  • Increased collaboration among hospitals and professionals.
  • Enhanced employee engagement and a culture of shared responsibility for knowledge.
  • Scalable application of the 5 Moments of Need methodology and AskDelphi Digital Coaches to broader training needs.

Madelon Panman, Manager of the Erasmus MC Academy, remarked:

This solution provides healthcare professionals with excellent support in the workplace while clarifying what should be taught in educational settings to ensure optimal performance.

Looking Forward

The workplace learning solutions at Erasmus MC continue to evolve, with new projects underway to refine work guidance and training for supervisors, trainers, and student assistants. These initiatives expand the use of the 5 Moments of Need methodology and AskDelphi Digital Coaches, highlighting Erasmus MC’s dedication to innovation in learning and development.

Erasmus MC’s experience demonstrates how workplace learning solutions can drive efficiency, foster collaboration, and empower professionals to meet challenges with confidence—an approach that other hospitals are encouraged to adopt.